Thursday, September 8, 2011

Follow Friday (4)

Here's a feature for book bloggers, such as myself *smiles*, who want to spread their joy of book blogging!
There's even a weekly blog feature that anyone can sign up for so hurray for Follow Friday! Hosted by
Rachel @ Parajunkee and Alison @ Alison Can Read.

For more information and entry head to

Q. Have you ever wanted the villain to win at the end of a story? If so, which one?

Ty from Lucy Christopher's Stolen. Amazing Read!!

(I wouldn't even consider Ty a villain even though he had kidnapped a girl, Gemma...he was just misunderstood and ignored. One of the most interesting characters I've read.)


  1. You came up with an answer! I am afraid that I drew a blank. I may have to pick this one up someday. Thanks for the thoughtful answer.

  2. I haven't read this book, but I always thing its interesting when you can like or even relate to a villan in a book! Also, I've heard some good things about Stolen- I should def check it out!

  3. New follower, hopping through.

    I couldn't come up with anything, but that sounds interesting!

    My FF

    The Romanceaholic

  4. I've never heard of this book but will have to look it up. I'm your newest follower and would love for you to visit me when you get a chance.

  5. I haven't read this book yet! I still have to read this one soon!

    My Follow Friday!

  6. Great answer! I haven't read this title yet. Unfortunately I couldn't come up with an answer, but pls stop by and say hello anyway :-)


  7. Sounds like an interesting read. I couldn't come up with a definitive answer.

    My FF is here if you'd like a look.

  8. Quite a few people have said TY! I have'nt read Stolen yet.

    - New follower

  9. Hopping thru. Have a wonderful weekend! I'm a new follower. Please come visit and see my answer at Gimme The Scoop Reviews

  10. Haven't read this book yet but we want to!

    new follower.

    Here's our FF

  11. I think you're the first person to have an answer lol. I haven't read this yet but i have seen quite a few reviews that really praised Ty's character. Ill have to read it and see for myself!

    Have a great weekend!
    My FF

  12. I will need to check stolen out! Ill add it to my wish list. Im a new follower :)

    My FF- Book Briefs


  13. Interesting answer. New follower. I've never heard of this book. In Florida right now. Come visit me over at Livre De Amour-Books of love. Love your header

  14. I haven't read this book yet, but I keep hearing a lot about it! Great choice.

    New Follower!!!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Kristin @ Better Read Than Dead

  15. I've not read Stolen, but I'm guessing it must be good if it has such a fascinating character?

    My answer wasn't a book but I always wanted Wile E. Coyote to win when I was a kid. He tried so hard!

    New follower :

  16. What a great choice! One of my friends and I were talking about a similar story last night when we were answering this question.

    I didn't even think of Stolen!

    I'm a new follower!
    Amanda @ Letters Inside Out: My FF

  17. New follower here hopping through!

    I've never heard of this book, but I will definitely put it on my TBR list.

    I've found that many of the most interesting characters are often villains.

    Here's my FF

  18. I've still gotta read this book. I've heard wonderful things - it sounds amazing.

    New follower here! Hiya!

  19. I just bought this book last week I'll have to take a look at it.

  20. Happy FF ( even though it is now Saturday, lol)
    We are your newest followers! Hope you have an awesome day! Come visit us if you have a chance!!

    Crazy Book Slut
