Thursday, September 8, 2011

Blog Hop (4)

The Blog hop is a way to meet new book bloggers and share what they've got featured in their sites. I like the idea of supporting fellow readers, hurray for Blog Hops! Hosted by Crazy-for-Books

Book Blogger Hop
hosted by Crazy For Books every weekend!

Q. Many of us primarily read one genre of books, with others sprinkled in. If authors stopped writing that genre, what genre would you start reading? Or would you give up reading completely if you couldn't read that genre any more?

Heck no! Reading is the only thing keeping me sane...haha.

I love realistic fiction romance but I also love action too!

But what would my life be with out romance books...! I wonder...


  1. Gosh, life without ANY genre would create a sad little hole in my reading life! But you're totally right: reading = sanity!

    New follower! Happy Friday!
    Jessi @ Reading in the Corner

  2. new follower from the hop...and I agree any genre disappearing would be sad...but we would go on.... :)

  3. Please don’t be shocked but this week I’ve got a straightforward, cut and dried answer to this week’s question... for a change!

    Root for villains? No way, no how. Why am I being so narrow minded? Follow me back to my blog and find out why –

    Thank God it’s Follow Friday!

    Howard A. Sherman, Implementor
    Get Inside a Story

  4. New Follower! I couldn't imagine any genre disappearing. It would be terrible.

    Lost in YA Wonderland

  5. NEW your header.

    Stopping by from the blog hop.

    Stop by my blog if you like to see my answer.

