Sunday, October 24, 2010

Stolen by Lucy Christopher Review

Note: Photos will lead to GoodReads

Sixteen year old Gemma is kidnapped from Bangkok airport and taken to the Australian Outback. This wild and desolate landscape becomes almost a character in the book, so vividly is it described. Ty, her captor, is no stereotype. He is young, fit and completely gorgeous. This new life in the wilderness has been years in the planning. He loves only her, wants only her. Under the hot glare of the Australian sun, cut off from the world outside, can the force of his love make Gemma love him back? The story takes the form of a letter, written by Gemma to Ty, reflecting on those strange and disturbing months in the outback. Months when the lines between love and obsession, and love and dependency, blur until they don't exist - almost.


"I thought you were going to...I thought..." The images were too horrible to get the words out.

"I know." You ran a hand through your hair, turning parts of it red from the sand in your fingers. You seemed serious. Your face was tired and empty-looking, your forehead wrinkled up.

"Just relax," you said again. "Please just relax. For once. Neither of us can go on like this. Just trust that it's all for the best."

This book I'm about to praise is not only directed to the story but to the author herself. I say this because it's a reminder to us readers that in a way, the story is the writer. Lucy Christopher is a true visionary and a giver of a life ignored. A story so vivid in "letter" form.

Entirely, the story is of a sixteen year old girl, Gemma, who writes a letter to her captor telling her story in her point of view. The situation is intricate but the story is told in a neat flow of lively words...promising to leave ya readers helpless with there wondering minds.

As Gemma awaits her faith trapped in an Australian outback with her captor, Ty, she begins to reminisce events in her life past and present that will shape her life to whatever it may come to be.( I can't believe the amount of realism in the events of this book, it merged perfectly with the characters.) Descions will be made, hearts will sink or swim...meanings will forever be changed.

Lucy Christopher is currently one of my top favorite authors. Her book is literally my favorite of all.



  1. Awesome review! I agree that this book was amazing. Lucy Christopher is a wonderful writer.

  2. I read this book over the summer and I loved it. Lucy Christopher's writing is amazing and eloquent and really speaks to Gemma's turmoil. This is such a powerful read that I think all YA readers will benefit from.
