Thursday, October 13, 2011

Cover Reveal: Girl of Nightmares by Kendare Blake

Jeepers Creepers!
The squeal to Anna dressed in Blood: Girl of Nightmares by Kendare Blake
Tell me that's not the most awesome, blood-enriched theme cover you've ever seen.
I would buy the book, and a poster and hang them!
Okay maybe just the poster...I'll leave the book for reading.


The cover of Anna Dressed in Blood had me speechless.

The cover of Girl of Nightmares will most definitely give me nightmares.
What you guys think?
And if you haven't already read Anna Dressed in Blood. Do so please. It's great.

My Review.


  1. :O



    That is one hell! of a cover!
    LOVE IT!

  2. OMG.

    Just.. OMG.

    I never get excited over cover reveals, but right now I am speechless.

  3. Girl of Nightmares indeed!

    That cover is striking. Addicting...very very addicting.

  4. Oh my God! I Love that cover!!
