Sunday, August 14, 2011

Fall for Anything by Courtney Summers Video

Okay before you guys kill me...this video has nothing to do with the book but then does.

Fall for Anything is a book I've read recently by Courtney Summers that is amazing. It's deep, memorizing and powerfully real.

My Review | Amazon | Goodreads

It's about a girl, Eddie, who struggles with the truth that her dad has committed suicide. She can't understand why and so with the help of someone who turns out knowing her father more than her, she sets out to make things "right".

This post is about this video I found on Youtube which fits the book so well.
(In my opinion)
After watching it the first thing I thought of was Eddie and her story. I thought I'd share it for the fans or readers who might be interested.

Video :

Matthew Dear - "Slowdance" by Charles Bergquist

No copyrights infringement intended. I do not own the video nor do I have anything to do with it's production. All rights go to whoever made the video.


  1. At first I wasn't so into Meghan...but now I can't stop listening to it. So unique and freakin addicting!

  2. the girl in the video actually looks like the girl on the cover of Fall for Anything haha. But great post! i like the song.
