"Waiting on Wednesday" is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking The Spine which welcomes books that we are anxiously waiting for.
Angel Creek by Sally Rippin
In her new falling-down home, in her new street, in her new suburb, Jelly waits for high school to begin. She can only feel happy up in the branches of the old apricot tree and by the creek at the back of the house. One night, Jelly and her cousins spot something in the creek’s dark waters. At first they think it’s a bird, but it isn’t…it’s a baby angel with a broken wing. And they decide to keep it.
But soon things start to go wrong, and Jelly discovers that you can’t just take something from where it belongs and expect that it won’t be missed.
Sally Rippin’s Angel Creek is a book about growing up: being brave and selfish and tough and scared. It’s a book about an angel. But not the sweet variety. It’s a book about the things that change and the things that always stay the same.
There's just something about the summary that I find alluring.
Goodreads Link
But soon things start to go wrong, and Jelly discovers that you can’t just take something from where it belongs and expect that it won’t be missed.
Sally Rippin’s Angel Creek is a book about growing up: being brave and selfish and tough and scared. It’s a book about an angel. But not the sweet variety. It’s a book about the things that change and the things that always stay the same.
There's just something about the summary that I find alluring.
Goodreads Link
Huh, this one sounds interesting. I wonder what the summary means when it says "But not the sweet variety" I'm intrigued. Thanks for introducing me to this one.
ReplyDeleteHi Meghan, I saw you spotlighted on Misha's blog and thought I'd stop by to say hello. You have a great blog, I've enjoyed my visit. Best wishes, PW